Our chosen sector is food. We have the following three concepts:
Concept 1: Share baking appliances, bakeware
Problem identified:
1. Baking appliances and bakeware in the market are various and the usage time is short due to people's busy lifestyle.
2. Woman lived in apartment tend to be busy and have less baking experience. However, they enjoy baking at the weekend or party time.
Provide a platform in apartment to let busy women borrow the baking appliances or bakeware instead of buying them. The target market is the busy working lady who live in apartment, they can also enrich baking experience through this platform and share their experience with people in this community.
Consumer: buying less but experience more
Environment: Less products produced, less environmental impact
Provider: Make profit by customers' borrowing time, sustainable business model
system map:

Concept 2: Fresh juice delivery and packaging recycle
Problem identified:
1. Food packaging such as beverage packing, had great impact on the environment and need to be reduced.
2. As researched, There will be an increase in bottled beverage consumption in the household food consumption pattern.
Juice company provide a fresh juice delivery service to household who participate in this system. Juice was locally produced and sent to household weekly. Household will replace their traditional beverage buying behavior to this fresh juice delivery pattern. The company also encourage consumers to collect their daily bottle package( which buy for a sudden thirsty in connivence), and give them when they delivered the juice to household. Customers will get discount for the amount of package they devoted.
1. Consumer: Get juice as they want and reduce package waste, get benefit for recycle it
2. Environment: Less packaging, Less transportation of package juice( shipping, trucking), support local farmer
3. Provider: Reduce environmental impact, reduce packing cost, improve brand loyalty
system map:

Concept 3: Smart food consumption and waste reduction
Problem identified:
1. Food service and household food losses occur because of overstocking, over preparation, plate waste, cooking losses and misunderstanding of quality defects and label interpretation(OECD,2002)
2. The reuse of household food waste and supermarket waste is low.
3. Agriculture have great impact on climate change, soil erosion is a big problem increased by chemical fertilizers. Local or small-holder farmer need link between supply chain.
Supermarket provide service of recording what consumer buy from the supermarket( through barcode scan at the counter), and consumer can access these information by websites. Consumer can get information of their food stock at home, the expiry date and cooking suggestion at the websites. Consumer can give back the expired food back to the supermarket, supermarket will weight the food and give reward to the consumer by having discount of food. Supermarket will give the customer's food waste and their food waste(can't sell before expiry day) to local farmers. Farmers compost the food waste and use it as fertilizer. Food produced at the farm will go directly to the supermarket and sell to customer.
1. Consumer know what they consume and reduce over-consumption by knowing the food stock at home.
2. Supermarket gain brand loyalty of consumer and gain profit by reusing consumer's food waste.
3. Local farmers can link themselves to supply chain and use composting instead of chemical fertilizer.
system map: