Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Task 2d Video Reflection: Designing for life (Episode 1)

This video is very interesting which is talking about the designs around our life. The designer Philippe Starck in the video express what is a good design and how designs effects our daily life and future.

Philippe Starck is a famous french product designer. He designs range form interior designs to mass product consumer goods such as chairs, toothbrushes and event houses.

In the video, his mission is to select the best new designer. through the process of selecting best designer, He test designer’s ability,creativity and vision. He believe that you make good design you should speak about life, sex, flesh and seat. His philosophy behind his style has always catered to the masses good looking but manufactured at a low cost.

This video gives me knowledge of how product designer effect every moment of our life. Also explain that when we look at products not just focus on the function we have to look at the story behind the product.

In the video he give a task to designers, he give three themes for them to choose which are Ecology(about sound and unsound), gender(about male quality and female) and function (about finding a product is useful,useless). The designer have to go the supermarket choose the product the meets the theme and explain why they choose it and what the story behind it and why people need it.

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