Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Seymour Powell :Designing dream machines
Annie Leonard: The story of stuff
Designing objects that tell stories

Sunday, October 25, 2009
peer comments for project 1
peer comments for project 2
peer comments for project 3
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
project 3: upcycle

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
project 2:Postal Presents

This is the first time making bag, i call it sue's folding bag, maybe i should call it "compartment storage" because it does looks like a bag.
This storage can be fold in to an A4 envelop, the size smaller than A4, dark blue color( i don't know why the image that i post up alway changed color by the computer). This is a great gift for a friend, mostly for a girl. this storage you can hanging to the wall, you can put any small things that you want such as make up stuff, is easy to store, it can fold up if you don't want to use it, this storage is not heavy at all, when you fold it up the design looks like an hand bag, small, easy carry and smart.
Assembly Instruction:
(easy to assembly)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ross Lovergrove: Organic design

Ross Lovergrove is a designer that focuses design on organic form. He said " i am the captain organic" shows that he's passion of form. In this vedio he shows how from can touch people's soul and emotion.
Bad design

This classic and sensible styling tub and shower set is chrome finish. Modern design and easy clean but badly to control.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Project One: Experience Enrichment
Model Poster:
This design is a toothbrush which are focous on fun and happy. My target is for family use, parent and kids, as a set.
This design it represents a human which has an emotion and personality. The lid of this toothbrush it represent the face of human, the small cuve on the surface of the lid it show's it's happyness and enjoinable of being a toothbrush. The smile cuve not just a decration, there are many small hole join as a cuve line. The hole is for allowing air to go in and out through the lid also the back of the lid has hole as well, the shape it looks a human's eye and mouth.
This design has 3 main part which are lid(cover), the brush and body. The lid it represent human's face, the brush is soft and has function to give tooth a massage whill brushing teeth,also the brush it changeable. The body it can stand up by itself and the bottom of the body it can squeeze the toothpast by without westting it. There are two circular on each side of the body is a rubber use for reduce the attrition.
This family set toothbrush have four colour which are : dark blue, sky blue , pink and purple.
This design has tow size: lage size for parents , small size for kids.
Material use on this design are plastic and rubber.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Don Norman: Emotional Design
In this video Don Norman descried that he look at design thought the way of beauty, fun, pleasure and emotion. In he's talk he showed some example of beauty and fun design by his own experience such as "philippe starck juicer" and "Global cutting knife made in Japan".
He names three types of emotions that good design must contain which are visceral, behavioral, and reflective. also he hint that by making a good design first have to understand what people want and how can this design make people happy.
Don Norman's talk it taught me that emotional design is very important for designers, which it have to know how products would interact with peolpe. By producing a product it have to well understant of client's maid, the design have to make client's satisfy and happy.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Good Design
This luxury mobile is made from watch making stainless steel with choice of crocodile, leather or rubber backing.
The most notable achievement about the Meridiist is the battery life it besides 7 hourse of talk almost time of 672 hourse(28 days).
Monday, August 3, 2009
Talks David Kelley on human-centered design

First video is the design of Prada New York. This is a store that had a cultural role as well as a retail one that actually desiging custom technology. " staff device" is help customer to know more information of the clothing by choosing it on an easy way. "changing room" is a liquid crystal display. "Magic mirror" where coustomer put on the clothes there's a big display in the mirror and they can turn around there is a three second delay so customer can see what they looks like from the back or all the way around as they look.
Second video is the Interactive wall on Londaon Museum, this wall is about four stories tall and the goal is to bring some of the feedback that people had gone to the museum were giving.
Third video is "Greenwich watercycle pavilion". This is a recyling of the water on the millenuium Dome in London. The Pavilion's goal was to be kind of quiet and peaceful.
The last video is "spyfish" which it gives an oppertunity for people to experince what is on under the sea.
These design are all awesome it gives people comfort and entertainment on interesting way. This talks is important for industral student because it assessesd and guild us what a really design is, they are not just a product for sale, is a product that for use as convience. Also it sybomlise these design as a future design.
The following is the video of David Kelley(talks on human-centered design):